Friday, December 17, 2010

My Tech-Reflection

It has been a very fruitful journey in which I started from scratch in the world of "online" education; even though I had studied Electronics but never employing so much technology as Doctor Watwood always asked us to do so. As a matter of fact at the very beginning I just did everything because I had to. But Know after experimenting all required tools for our posts. I am really enjoying what I am doing, and want to explore more. It was a very challenging course. Moreover, since Doctor Watwood asked me to pay more attention to my post time; I would say, I did not like it at first. However, after reflecting upon my performance, I made arrangements and I improved my time management and the quality of my posts as well.
Please listen to the following song and notice that I learned to never stop believing in myself and to take the risk of improving my learning styles at once.
Let me tell you. I worked hard as it is mentioned in the song message.

On the other hand, Cyberbullying research helped me understand technology use in a different way because it is a threat to ruin lives worldwide and instantly.

Learning about technology at schools was an adventure. Nevertheless, researching about "Audacity" has been one of the best experiences in this field. The reason: because it is what I could produce. Now, I am going to show you a video about how to use this tool.So, that we can incorporate it in the classroom. Please Notice that I do not want to repeat mine; Therefore, this one is a different one and hopefully it helps us understand its dimensions better.

Thank you all for your wonderful comments. I will continue learning and improving myself both as a teacher and as a high tech person. Thanks a bunch.


  1. "I am really enjoying what I am doing, and want to explore more." I agree with you Eduardo. I have been exposed to so much as it relates to technology tools. Unlike you, I did not have a technology background or anything that even relates to this course. Plus I had my reservation about certain things. I must say that I have enjoyed this course. I too will continue to try to improve myself.

    We have all grown so much for the past fourteen weeks. I enjoyed reading your blogs. Thanks for sharing.

  2. You are preaching to the choir! I am also satisfied with all the things we have learnt. I must say at the beginning it was kind of threatening, but in the end you see technology can be friendly, useful and very engaging; besides, it is full of potential!

  3. Eduardo, I use the same song to tell Dr Watwood that he never stop believing in us, and when I saw it in your blog it made smile that both of us use the same song for our last blog, interesting huh, thanks for the sharing. Myself, as Kerry mentioned above have my own reservations about certain technology tools, but it does not mean I will stop using on the opposite I will find the way to use to make my kids more responsible.

  4. I'm joining in the choir colleagues. There is so much we have learned in this course. I was truly a techno-phobe because as a self-taught computer person, I was illiterate in many technological aspects. But boy am I empowered now? You bet, I can stand up there with the best of them and make presentations using different web 2.0 tools that I never thought was possible. As Eduardo mentioned cyber-bullying really got to me but it helped me in a production I was involved in with Middle school kids and opened my eyes to things I never thought happened. Thanks Eduardo, this has been a great, great experience.

  5. Interesting comments. You point out something I knew but was not sure I could pull off...that these digital tools at first glance seem either overpowering or not useful, but given time and the ability to try our hand, we all begin to see applications we can use. Most courses do not give one "time" but that was precisely what I tried to build in to this course. And judging by the last few weeks, it seems to have worked for you and the others in this course!

  6. Great Reflection Eduardo! Love your vidoes! This technology journey was really an eye opener. I hope we will not get weary, but we will continue to incorporate technology in our classrooms. Have a great Vacation!
