Friday, October 29, 2010

Slanderous Messages

How easy is it to cope with Slanderous messages?

There are slanderous sites that defame a person's reputation and the result is similar to someone who climbs up to the highest peak of a mountain on the planet, then takes a hen, plucks her all and decides to throw her feathers all over the Earth. Later he or she realizes it was a mistake. So, he/she decides to gather the feathers and put them back in the hen. The result ???

Does it happen in the field of education?

In Wayne County Public schools it is forbidden when at school. As a matter of fact, all social networks have been blocked. However, if a student is caught violating this rule and breaks every denied access at school computers,the comprehensive disciplinary plan contained in the student's handbook begins to be applied and the consequence takes place immediately and results depend on the due process and harm caused by this action. Nevertheless, no one can really stop the possible bad effects from Facebook on you.


  1. I like the introductory song. I must say that the students interviewed all have something negative to say about Facebook. So, they are aware of the down side to these sites.

    Just think about it would it be easy to pick up those feathers and put them back on the hen? What a task? Its the same for a person character that ahs been deframed. Students need to pay for what they do to other persons when they slader on these social network sites.

  2. I particularly loved the LNTV video (second video) as the presenter stated "is this free speech or a safe haven for slander?" That is the question Eduardo. That is a case that I will definitely follow up on. I can't imagine that a website like that actually exists. Yes there are relationships that end badly, but to take it so far...

    I loved the videos. I found them not only informative, but also thought provoking. Good Job!!!

  3. Thank you my dear for a great introduction. This fake Myspace and Facebook profile and their repercissions reminds me of an incident with some political officials in my country. On the campaign trail slanderous information was used, when it was brought to the speaker's attention, he denied that it was slander and he wasn't backing down. The person against whom the remarks were directed sued him and of course won the case - millions in injury settlement. He did not take the money, instead he allowed the other politician to pay all the legal fees. He stated it was really to send a message to others that certain information is not protected by freedom of the press. It's the same thing these educators are up against with these kids and their 1st Amendment. I do hope some lessons are being learnt. Thank you for a great post

  4. I like you analogy about the hen, but some things once ruined cannot be repaired such as the reputation of the adult in question. The child may realize thier mistake (I hope, and I hope the parents have dalt with them for waht they did) and appologise but, it is already out there, probaly in every country by the time the apology comes and no one sees the apology only the ruinous information that was posted on the web.

  5. Interesting videos. They definitely can be used to start the conversation with colleagues and parents. If no one can stop the bad effects, what is OUR role as teachers?

  6. The videos definately peeked my interest. The first video confirm to me that people are using the social sites inapprociately and for the wrong reasons and the problem is creeping into education rapidly. The second video was also interesting because the students dont all like Facebook and they all had different views on it.
    What do you think should happen when students slander their teachers? Since we ensure students are protected from teachers why cant teachers have the same protection from their students also???
