Friday, October 22, 2010

Cyberbullying -Online Harrassment

Cyberbullying-Online Harrasment
      Internet is a system of interconnected networks using different electronic devices such as computers and cell phones. This way of connecting one another, started with the idea of satisfying our most important need: "to express our ideas, feelings, thoughts, culture, traditions, customs and even who we really are".

       Internet  is a world wide network that serves billions of people who work, study or simply entertain themselves using this means of communication.  It carries a broad array of electronic and optical networking technologies that may be beneficial or hurtful, depending on the mind that is interacting in it.

     Many people enjoy using the Internet or the cell phone to send text or images intended to hurt, embarrass, threaten, harass,or humiliate another person, specially a child or teenager.

      Most of the "online" harrassment is addressed to kids or teens who have a private communication without permission. In some cases it is forwarded or simply posted publicly. However, many teenagers say that most of the bullying takes place when someone has posted an embarrassing picture of them.

Cyberbullying is not limited to children. Adults also practice "Cyberstlaking or Cyberharrassment"  with the tendency of sex encounters. 

     Our challenge at school is to stop this bullying that most of the time takes place outside school.


  1. Very good post Eduardo, adults are also cyberbullied but I guess they are able to stand up to it more that teens do.

  2. You did not mention, but I was wondering if your school has any policies that address cyberbullying?

  3. Adults can even be really abset about posts on facebook. Some people may take tehm in a personal level and they can sometimes think they are being attacked! I have met someone who was really hurt by a post one of her friends made and she felt it was her, being attacked by her "friend" on facebook. This highlights the importance of the reasonable use of social networks and ways to asume uncomfortable feelings in a more mature way. Things like blocking unreal friends is a strategy, another is when someone is making comments that can hurt us directly or indirectly can be blocke for ever for the better!If adults have a hard time with cyberstalking, and harassment, imagine youngsters, they, I guess, must suffer it worse. They need guidance and advice about this "hot" topic!!

  4. Adults can even be really upset about posts on facebook. Some people may take them in a personal level and they can sometimes think they are being attacked! I have met someone who was really hurt by a post one of her friends made, and she felt it was her, being attacked by her "friend" on facebook. This highlights the importance of the reasonable use of social networks and ways to assume uncomfortable feelings in a more mature way. Things like blocking unreal friends is a strategy, another could be, when someone is making comments that can hurt us directly or indirectly, can block them for ever, for the better!If adults have a hard time with cyberstalking, and harassment, imagine youngsters suffering cyberbullying, they, I guess, must struggle with it worse. They need guidance and advice about this "hot" topic!!
