Thursday, December 16, 2010

Peace Valley Elementary School -Tech Plan 2010-2013

Dear Doctor Watwood and colleagues,

Sashoi Hinds, Arlene Rose Wright and I worked diligently on the following Power Point Presentation with a clear goal, not only for our technology perception at schools in the U.S.A. but also with a wholesome intent of implementing and ameliorating the application of IT at schools worldwide. WE pursue an ideal of becoming skillful with the "Telecommunication" world through the Internet in the hands of Teachers, youngsters, and other members of the new global virtual community, immersed in advanced electronic devices, and their employment in the classroom as a great companion of the new learners.

Will we be able to apprehend and improve the technology plans in the field of education?
We do not know now. But, we have to keep seeking the best ways to educate our children.
Please enjoy this Technology Plan in a peaceful valley.
We want to thank you all for your invigorating comments.


  1. Wow! I am now teaching the third grade. Lol!

    It was good that the focus was on making every "student obtain technological skills necessary to becoming productive citizens in a democratic society." (slide # 3) It makes the use of technology for instruction relevant to the lives that they will lead after leaving school.

    Also loved the fact that, you guys didn't assume that all teachers are aware of the various technological tools. You stated that "teachers need indepth sustained assitance... in their efforts to integrate technology in the curriculum."(slide # 23)

    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thank you Colleagues' it's a great honor to be a part of your team. A very in-depth report. It is obvious the importance this leadership team places on the use of technology. As you stated in your introduction, you have to continue seeking ways to improve learning with the use of technology. I'm very pleased that your team has a working vision of continuous training for staff members - too often do administrators believe that a single training is enough with no follow up. Technology is never static it is continually moving and our young charges always seem to be one step ahead; the focus on training is both realistic and necessary. Thank you for sharing. It has been 'GREAT' to be a part of such an innovative staff.

  3. Very nice job...and appreciate the promotion to Principal!

    One of the things I liked was a solid expectation to use digital technology but also a recognition that the tools continue to change, so flexibility appeared built in.

  4. I will definitely do well and follow all instructions as a teacher of second grade. My principal Dr.Watwood will definitely make sure of that :)

    First of all, I like the Vision Statement. It speaks about continuous academic and personal growth through the effective use of current and emerging technologies. I can also see that this school will go very far whereby technology is concerned.
    Administrators really need to do all they can to improve themselves as well as all the staff. Here we see where professional development is also key to ensure that students get what they need. Teachers need to make sure that all is done to incorporate technology in every aspect of the teaching and learning process. This plan ensure that this will done and will be done properly.
    Very colorful and great graphics. Assessment is also key.
    Definitely, I also like the fact that you guys did not take anything for granted where training is concern as was also pointed out before by one of our colleagues.
    Great post guys and I really enjoyed reading it.

  5. As Dr Watwood mentioned flexibility is very important as some tools we are now using are not even 5 yrs old als there will be new tools emerging and we should be able to adapt if it will move us in a positive direction

  6. First of all i was pleased to be the PTA/Community- Business Leader! :)
    Very insightful plan... No doubt it could be achieved within the time frame if the Team works together effectively.
    I just wanted to point out that even though i agree that you want to integrate your plan in phases, it should be mentioned that technology is needed is all aspects of the curriculum ( both academic and elective classes) i'm refering to slide 10.
    I enjoyed reading your Tech plan, it showed alot of work and thought went into it!

  7. well done!! Your team went all out. I like the extent to which you go on planning a very detailed plan. Please do keep a copy. You guys might need to implement later
