Friday, November 5, 2010

Technology/Internet Acceptable Use Agreement.

     "In Wayne County Public Schools, technological resources including computers, other electronic devices, programs, networks and the Internet, provide opportunities to enhance instruction, appeal to different learning styles and meet the educational goals of the board. Through the school system's technological resources, users can observe events as they occur around the world, interact with others on a variety of subjects, and acquire access to current and in-depth information"  (taken from Policy code 3225)
     Therefore at CBA, there is an agreement that has to be signed by students, teachers and parents in order to use the Internet and technology resources. So, please watch the following video:

It is the philosophy of the Wayne County Public Schools to provide accurate and current information to the public(board Policy 500)
The district website and the school websites are essential elements in providing timely, accurate and relevant information.
Policy 3226 outlines requirements for creating and maintaining the district web site and individual websites.

  1. To serve as a public relations/information tool for Wayne County Public Schools
  2. To provide web-based information to employees, parents, students, and others.
  3. To provide for information access and accessibility.
  4. To support the mission of Wayne County Public Schools.
  5. To provide and support a 21st Century education.      
Responsibility and Approval
     The Superintendent will designate a person to serve as the district webmaster(site director) to be responsible for management of website operations, including user authentication, technical design, logistics, training and support.
     Each principal will designate a person at his her school who will be responsible for management, production, and maintenance of the school's website .

Ethical Guidelines
     All Wayne County Public Schools Board policies will be adhered to and all web pages hosted on our academic portal are the property of Wayne County Public Schools.
     All copyright laws will be followed. Pages will not contain unauthorized  content, no links, no links to social networking sites, chat rooms, illegal, pornographic, violent, obscene, objectionable, offensive material or offensive language.
    Teachers and staff are prohibited from using web pages hosted by the district server to advertise personal or commercial business venture. (Board Policy 7730)

Teachers, staff, and students need to be registered users.
The district webmaster has the right to make changes to web pages at any time.

All links must serve an educational or administrative purpose
Web pages will not publish information that Wayne County Public Schools would not also publish in other formats
Photographs and images 
Student photographs used on web pages will not include personally identifying information, unless authorized by a signed release.

Nonetheless, look what is happening with Internet Security:


  1. Hi Eduardo, I enjoyed your presentation it was jam packed dwith information especially the first YouTube video.
    You could have used only that video and you would have gotten your point across. :)

    Great Post!!

  2. I agree with your post, we as teacher can commit our students to be more responsible and be aware of doing things correctly. Good video.

  3. Educators must constantly encourage students how to use the internet. Therefore I do endorse that workshops for teachers, parents and students should be conducted by school districts outlining the polices, and the safety of the internet. Very good post and video presentation. I am happy to see the vision your county has.

  4. You are in a 'real visionary county'. I'm happy for you. This is a post with much valid and useful information. I'm in awe by the number of videos and information out there giving instructions on how to hack a computer system. When we look at that we sometimes wonder if filtering makes sense. As educators though we cannot give up we must continue teaching our students how to use the internet responsibly - hopefully this will sink in and we'll get to the stage where we no longer need filters. Martin Luther King had a dream for mankind - that's my dream for technological advancement in the schools' Responsible usage with no need for filters'.

  5. Your first slide show suggested that in a democratic society, access to information is a right. That seems at odds with the current practice of blocking the internet - a practice upheld as "the law" because of CIPA. Are we in fact denying our future generations their inherent rights?

  6. I enjoyed reading your post.It had a lot of information. We can train our students, and yes they do know the right thing, but there is no guarantee that they are going to do what is expected at all times. I guess there will have to be close monitoring by teachers.
