Friday, September 10, 2010

Video Refflection

The idea of having a "Page" to contain everything we need for our daily life is what really determines how capable we are to encounter the world. We spent too much time checking different e-mail accounts, visiting websites,  or networking without direction, or even finding unclear information that we never think of creating "one single Internet space" occupying just what it is necessary for the day, something handy, in which there's order of importance.
I am impressed how this seven grade student, using her PLE, is able to explore, work, entertain herself, and produce a very high quality world within a mini space. Besides, how she puts together all her account without thinking on the different passwords created to access a simpler life. Moreover, she writes reflections in order to share and interact with Peers on different Reviews. In addition to that, she is able to talk simultaneously using Skype.
What is more important is the freedom we obtain by creating a "Personal Lining Environment" in order to protect our planet from chopping trees because paper is not necessary, not even any pens.  I wish we could encourage every kid to learn this way at school, instead of struggling teaching the basics, when in reality they live in another world.  Therefore, we need to catch up with them, at once.


  1. I agree with you! I have alot of catching up to do! I too was also impressed with her ability to utilize the minispace she created for so many different things and she seem so confident in her abilities.
    Oh yes, I would love for all students to learn this way in school and at the same time support the Go Green effort.

  2. In another of my posts I commented how she used her web page like a filing cabinet. It was so cool. It would be a wonderful idea to use less pencil and paper and really help to save our world.

  3. I do with you in terms of having a focused agenda on the Web.. I do believe that our children see the internet as a social ground to interact with their peers ( which is good) but not seeing it as an avenue of learning as well. According to Pew Internet & American Life study, 74% of high school age children in the United States use the Internet regularly
    Another thought i had when watching the video was, how did this student get to this point? I'm sure it was a guided effort. So the question is, who should guide our children on the web?

  4. You focused in on how organized Wendy was, and how that organization impacts her ability to learn. Interesting.

    I do not use the same portal that Wendy does, but I achieve the same thing using Delicious. Delicious is my primary entry point into MY PLE. In fact, I have a tag "cte2day" that contains the websites I tend to use on a daily basis. That page is my homepage at both work and home.

  5. I agree with you, that this 12 year old is so organized, focussed, and knows how to strategialize her work. She is learning and she is not using pen or paper. As teachers we do not have to let students write all the time. Sometime allowing them to create something can show that they have learnt a concept

  6. Organization was one of the her strengths. As visionary leader said, it was like a filing cabinet the way she had everything in one place. Also, Jamaican girl states that most of the students uses the computer on a daily basis, but what are they doing. 9 times out of the 10 it is not educational so us as teachers need to be able to redirect them and let them see that the computer is not just for pleasure but it is an important learning tool.
