Friday, November 19, 2010

Horizon Report

Horizon Report means Semantic Web, challenges, global audiences, and technologies to watch. Therefore,  the following presentation will help us appreciate challenges that are before us.
Horizion Report
View more presentations from Edward Sargent.
On the other hand the following issues will help us understand some relevant aspects about the Horizon Report: 2010, 2009, 2008.

Critical Challenge
The way students are prepared for their future lives is changing. For instance emerging technologies must be used by students to gain experience in research, problem-solving learning, and creative work with mental flexibility.

Technologies to Watch
There are six technologies in each Horizon Report
1. On the near-term horizon
2. Mid-term horizon
3. Mobile computing
4. Simple augmented reality
5. On the far-term horizon
6. Gesture-based computing
Horizon Project
Emerging technologies are to higher education. Therefore, A wide range of articles,  are published and unpublished on small- to medium-sized businesses. Sometimes on the web sites as well.

Relevance for Teaching, Learning, or Creative Inquiry 
Mobile devices and the Internet are great materials in communication and learning experience through:
a) voice
b) text
c) multimedia
All this takes place in real time and data analysis is held more effectively around University campus.

The most relevant aspects of 2009 Report
  • Semantic-Aware Applications.
  • Smart Objects
  • Cloud Computing
  • Geo-Everything
  • The Personal Web
Critical Challenges:
Information literacy, visual literacy, and technological literacy. The skills involved in writing and research have
changed from those required even a few years ago. Students need to be technologically adept, to be able to collaborate with peers all over the world, to understand basic content and media design, and to understand the relationship between apparent function and underlying code in the applications they use daily.
Horizon Report:
"The project uses qualitative research methods to identify the technologies selected for inclusion in each
annual report, beginning with a survey of the work of other organizations and a review of the literature with
an eye to spotting interesting emerging technologies." 2009 Horizon Report 

The most important aspects of 2008 Report
  • Two technologies placed on the first adoption horizon in this edition, grassroots video and collaboration webs.

Critical Challenges: 
This challenge has evolved over the past year and is a crucial one for teaching and learning. As the gap grows
between new scholarship and old, leadership and innovation are needed at all levels of the academy.
Grassroots Video. Virtually anyone can capture, edit, and share short video clips, using inexpensive equipment (such as a cell phone) and free or nearly free software.

Horizon Project
"The project uses qualitative research methods to identify the technologies selected for inclusion in
each annual report, beginning with a survey of the work of other organizations and a review of the
literature with an eye to spotting interesting emerging technologies. When the cycle starts, little is known,
or even can be known, about the appropriateness or efficacy of many of the emerging technologies for
these purposes, as the Horizon Project expressly focuses on technologies not currently in widespread
use in academe. In a typical year, 75 or more of these technologies may be identified for further
investigation; for the 2008 Report, more than 80 were considered." 2008 Horizon Report.
Grassroots Video. Virtually anyone can capture, edit, and share short video clips, using inexpensive equipment (such as a cell phone) and free or nearly free software.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Comments on National Ed. Tech Plan

Collaboration is the key to succeed. If we want to compete globally, we need to innovate, that old educational system in which students did not even talk due to a complete quiet atmosphere with no interaction in the learning process. They were only objects in a great national investment.

Now it is necessary to create an opportunity for both students and teachers who are willing to improve and transform America and mankind at the same time. Therefore, The National Education Technology Plan is the key for a new "revolution". Perhaps this is one of the most important in human history because it transforms us, the only intelligent beings on Earth.

Success in the past, does not guarantee success in the present or even in the future. Therefore, a revolutionary teaching and learning method at all levels is needed now. Engaging and empowering learning focuses on the art of technology that has touched youngsters and adults in an electronic virtual era, not tangible for the previous generations who have been challenged by this new fast changing world, before our senses.

Technology learning motivates, and inspires students and teachers to share languages and different methods of acquiring knowledge in a continuous and lifelong learning as many live their lives with or for technology. Therefore, borders in the world have become virtual as well.

Now, the challenge we have in education is to leverage the learners and the new technology, personalizing students' education and the reality of their futures. However, it requires a flexible mind in order to empower them to take control of their own learning by providing flexibility on several dimensions. And for this, many teachers are not ready yet. Not because they do not want, but because what we learned in the past is considered the "only" correct way.
Anyway, it is significant to plan standard concepts and competencies for the nation and the global village(McLuhan)we are immersed in.

Therefore, School boards have to participate not only in designing plans but also in taking technology courses and to mentor several students in the area. They need to get involved in the process. Maybe small groups can benefit a lot more from the experience and knowledge board of educators may offer.

For instance, I belong to an Advisory Council at a school where one of my sons attends, different to the one I teach. Parents, and community members are also in this council and we meet once every two months to discuss and improve different plans at school. One of them is the "School Improvement Plan".
This plan shows that Principal, assistant principals, and teachers have been working conscientiously to improve everyday in this fast changing technological world.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Technology/Internet Acceptable Use Agreement.

     "In Wayne County Public Schools, technological resources including computers, other electronic devices, programs, networks and the Internet, provide opportunities to enhance instruction, appeal to different learning styles and meet the educational goals of the board. Through the school system's technological resources, users can observe events as they occur around the world, interact with others on a variety of subjects, and acquire access to current and in-depth information"  (taken from Policy code 3225)
     Therefore at CBA, there is an agreement that has to be signed by students, teachers and parents in order to use the Internet and technology resources. So, please watch the following video:

It is the philosophy of the Wayne County Public Schools to provide accurate and current information to the public(board Policy 500)
The district website and the school websites are essential elements in providing timely, accurate and relevant information.
Policy 3226 outlines requirements for creating and maintaining the district web site and individual websites.

  1. To serve as a public relations/information tool for Wayne County Public Schools
  2. To provide web-based information to employees, parents, students, and others.
  3. To provide for information access and accessibility.
  4. To support the mission of Wayne County Public Schools.
  5. To provide and support a 21st Century education.      
Responsibility and Approval
     The Superintendent will designate a person to serve as the district webmaster(site director) to be responsible for management of website operations, including user authentication, technical design, logistics, training and support.
     Each principal will designate a person at his her school who will be responsible for management, production, and maintenance of the school's website .

Ethical Guidelines
     All Wayne County Public Schools Board policies will be adhered to and all web pages hosted on our academic portal are the property of Wayne County Public Schools.
     All copyright laws will be followed. Pages will not contain unauthorized  content, no links, no links to social networking sites, chat rooms, illegal, pornographic, violent, obscene, objectionable, offensive material or offensive language.
    Teachers and staff are prohibited from using web pages hosted by the district server to advertise personal or commercial business venture. (Board Policy 7730)

Teachers, staff, and students need to be registered users.
The district webmaster has the right to make changes to web pages at any time.

All links must serve an educational or administrative purpose
Web pages will not publish information that Wayne County Public Schools would not also publish in other formats
Photographs and images 
Student photographs used on web pages will not include personally identifying information, unless authorized by a signed release.

Nonetheless, look what is happening with Internet Security: