Friday, November 12, 2010

Comments on National Ed. Tech Plan

Collaboration is the key to succeed. If we want to compete globally, we need to innovate, that old educational system in which students did not even talk due to a complete quiet atmosphere with no interaction in the learning process. They were only objects in a great national investment.

Now it is necessary to create an opportunity for both students and teachers who are willing to improve and transform America and mankind at the same time. Therefore, The National Education Technology Plan is the key for a new "revolution". Perhaps this is one of the most important in human history because it transforms us, the only intelligent beings on Earth.

Success in the past, does not guarantee success in the present or even in the future. Therefore, a revolutionary teaching and learning method at all levels is needed now. Engaging and empowering learning focuses on the art of technology that has touched youngsters and adults in an electronic virtual era, not tangible for the previous generations who have been challenged by this new fast changing world, before our senses.

Technology learning motivates, and inspires students and teachers to share languages and different methods of acquiring knowledge in a continuous and lifelong learning as many live their lives with or for technology. Therefore, borders in the world have become virtual as well.

Now, the challenge we have in education is to leverage the learners and the new technology, personalizing students' education and the reality of their futures. However, it requires a flexible mind in order to empower them to take control of their own learning by providing flexibility on several dimensions. And for this, many teachers are not ready yet. Not because they do not want, but because what we learned in the past is considered the "only" correct way.
Anyway, it is significant to plan standard concepts and competencies for the nation and the global village(McLuhan)we are immersed in.

Therefore, School boards have to participate not only in designing plans but also in taking technology courses and to mentor several students in the area. They need to get involved in the process. Maybe small groups can benefit a lot more from the experience and knowledge board of educators may offer.

For instance, I belong to an Advisory Council at a school where one of my sons attends, different to the one I teach. Parents, and community members are also in this council and we meet once every two months to discuss and improve different plans at school. One of them is the "School Improvement Plan".
This plan shows that Principal, assistant principals, and teachers have been working conscientiously to improve everyday in this fast changing technological world.


  1. 'Therefore, School boards have to participate not only in designing plans but also in taking technology courses and to mentor several students in the area. They need to get involved in the process. Maybe small groups can benefit a lot more from the experience and knowledge board of educators may offer.'

    Wonderful thoughts. This would indeed be the ideal we all would like to have our board members become. Remember knowledge is indeed power, and as educators we cannot get the board to sign off on something they don't understand - I say engage them. Thanks for an interesting post

  2. Well, our job as educators is to show outside the great things we are doing and to open people's mind about different way of teaching or learning does not hurt anybody but benefits a lot to many students.
    Good post.

  3. Very interesting post. I do believe and I think I have even said it on my blog and also on other comments that school board members should not sit and make a technology plan for the district and just have it on paper but must they visit schools ensuring that the plan is being used effectively. They too can also be resource persons by teaching a subject with the use of technology! Good post my friend!

  4. A very thought provoking blog! You hit many valuable points that would surely advocate for technology implementation in schools.Good job

  5. Nice job...and I particularly like the fact that you are involved in your son's school. Getting parents and boards involved is the right direction to take!
